Prometheus vs Graphite

September 07, 2021

Prometheus vs Graphite

As DevOps engineers, we understand how important it is to have efficient monitoring tools that can help us analyze logs and metrics quickly. Prometheus and Graphite are two popular monitoring tools that fit the bill, but which one is better? In this post, we will compare Prometheus and Graphite objectively to help you decide which one is the best fit for your DevOps needs.

What is Prometheus?

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system that was originally developed by SoundCloud. It is a popular choice for DevOps teams because it can monitor various aspects of software systems, including resource usage, application performance, and server uptime. Prometheus uses a time-series database and provides real-time alerting and visualization.

What is Graphite?

Graphite is another open-source monitoring tool that has been in the market for over a decade. It primarily focuses on performance monitoring and metrics tracking. Graphite uses a hierarchical structure for metrics, which makes it easy to organize and manage large numbers of metrics. It also provides real-time visualization of metrics data.

Comparison: Prometheus vs Graphite

Data Model

Prometheus uses a multi-dimensional data model that can store time-series data in a key-value format. This allows for complex queries and efficient storage. On the other hand, Graphite uses a simple hierarchical structure for storing metrics data, making it easy to organize and manage large volumes of data.

Data Collection

Prometheus collects data using a pull-based approach, where the data is scraped from the target system at regular intervals. This approach is beneficial when data is distributed across multiple systems. In contrast, Graphite collects data using a push-based approach where data is sent from the target system to the monitoring server.


Prometheus has a powerful alerting system that can be configured to send alerts based on pre-defined thresholds. This feature is useful when you need to proactively monitor systems and take appropriate action in case of issues. Graphite lacks an in-built alerting system, but this can be remedied by using third-party tools.


Both Prometheus and Graphite provide real-time visualization of metrics data. However, Prometheus provides a more flexible and powerful visualization system with its built-in Grafana integration.


Both Prometheus and Graphite are excellent monitoring tools, each with its own unique advantages. Prometheus is widely used for its multi-dimensional data model and powerful alerting system, while Graphite excels in data collection and hierarchical data organization. Ultimately, the choice between Prometheus and Graphite will depend on your specific requirements.

We hope this comparison has been helpful in guiding you towards the right tool for your DevOps needs.


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